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Noach (Noah) Genesis 6:9 – 11:32

This week, we read the story of Noah and the flood. “And these are the descendants of Noah, Noah was a righteous man, innocent he was in his generations.” (Genesis 6:9) Many commentators have questioned the use of the word generations – why the plural and why the addition of the word at all?

Bereisheet (In the Beginning) Genesis 1:1 – 6:8

We begin the cycle again. Last weekend we celebrated Simchat Torah and read the final chapters of Deuteronomy with special ceremony. We then proceeded to read the first chapter of Genesis, as a way of saying that the Torah never ends, but every ending includes with it a new beginning.

How to make YOUR Vision come to life

We are encouraged to think about what we want to accomplish in our lives and then write it down, refer to it and continue to strive to reach those goals that we have set for ourselves.  It is a Biblical principle that once we have recorded these dreams and aspirations, something supernatural will happen to help us attain them.  You begin to see them in your mind, and then they start to come to pass in your life.

Who “Owns” the Land of Israel? Part 3

by Kimberly Troup Hebron, Shechem, Jerusalem…  What do these three cities in Israel have in common?  If you read most newspaper articles, they list them as being in the “Occupied West Bank”.  However, if you read your Bible you find detailed accounts of real estate transactions, money changing hands, when Jewish patriarchs BOUGHT these three … Read more

Reflections on the Torah Portion of the Week

January 2008    The weekly Torah portion that is read in the synagogue every Shabbat morning is actually a section of the Five Books of Moses that becomes part of a Jew’s entire week. Even Elitzur, still in nursery school, has a Rabbi come in every week to give his group of 4 year olds … Read more