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Summer 2014

Uniting in Faith in Talmon

The kidnapping and murder of Naftali Frankel, Gil-Ad Shaar, and Eyal Yifrach, was heart wrenching for the people of Israel. And yet, there was one spark of goodness that emerged from it all – it brought the nation together. While their families strengthened and united us, their disposition brought a dialogue of faith to the forefront of Israeli society. Israelis from all walks of life came together in prayer. At a time when Israel is mourning the loss of these boys, it is most fitting that Talmon, home of the Shaar family, has decided to launch a project to bring religious and secular teenagers together to talk about the role that faith plays in their lives. Appropriately, the project will be in memory of the boys. May their memories live on through your support of this project.

Stand Up For Israel                Request your complimentary paper copy of this Nahala

Woman of Faith: Jena Taylor

…In August of 2007, Jena became the director of Faith City Ministries, a position she has held for the past seven years. Taylor insists that God has shed His love for the poor onto her heart  work at Faith City way to combine it with one other love – a love for Israel! In fact, when Avital from CFOIC Heartland in an interview she exclaimed in sincere excitement: “I feel so honored to be talking to a Jew and from Israel no less!” Laying their hands on the map of Israel, Taylor and her colleagues at the ministry pray daily for Israel’s safety and well-being. And each month, the ministry takes ten percent of its total revenue, a tithe, and invests it in CFOIC Heartland, as well as other worthy organizations. Thanks to Jena, CFOIC Heartland receives monthly donations from Faith City toward projects for the needy in Judea and Samaria. “My favorite checks to sign are tithe checks. I love that job,” proclaims Jena enthusiastically…

Pioneers In Our Day                   Click here for a downloadable PDF of this Nahala

Anat Safrir: A Model of Giving

…Today, Anat works in the social services department of the Samaria Regional Council and is responsible for special humanitarian projects. She remembers back to 1997, when pregnant with her second child, she noticed an ad for a new job opportunity at the regional offices. The rest is history. Anat attributes her appointment to the position as nothing less than a sign from God. Over the past seventeen years she has been blessed to have been involved in so much charity work for so many families in need. This is due in part to the mayor of the Samaria Regional Council, Gershon Mesika, who strongly emphasizes this aspect of the council’s work…

Give Thanks!

…Christian Friends of Israeli Communities fills an unparalleled role in bringing the cause of the Jewish communities in the land of Israel to our Christian friends around the world. The bridges you have built between the settlements of Yehuda and Shomron and the Christians you support them continue to be a source of strength to those of us who have built our lives here.

We are honored and grateful that you continue to include us as one of your many worthy projects, and look forward to hosting any of the CFOIC groups that may be coming through in the future.

Once again, thank you,
