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Disabled Children and Adults

The weakest members of society

Imagine you are a young couple, expecting your first child.  From the moment you find out you are pregnant the excitement is huge and from day to day, month to month, you count the days in glorious anticipation of the happy day.  And then the baby arrives and you see that something is wrong.  He does not respond normally.  She looks a bit apathetic.  An initial concern becomes a nightmare as you are given the diagnosis.  Your child is disabled.  He may have Downs Syndrome, she may have a rare seizure syndrome or cerebral palsy.  And sometimes the disability is only discovered later, when the child fails to talk or walk on time.  Your entire world comes crashing down on you.

In Israel, every child is precious and loved by his immediate and extended family and by his community.  The Government of Israel provides quality care for disabled children and adults, streamlining them in regular schools or in sheltered employment whenever possible. Group homes and hostels are available.  But, unfortunately, despite all the good will in the world, government funding is not always sufficient to cover the huge needs and to provide the most sensitive, personal care for each disabled child and adult.

Through CFOIC Heartland you can help provide vital support to a host of programs for the disabled.  At Heart of Benjamin, in Ofra, children enjoy after-school programs and holiday camps.  And there is respite care available as well when parents need an evening or weekend break from the demands of their special child.

Cafe in Sadna At Sadna, in Gush Etzion, children are trained to fulfill valuable functions in life, individually suited to each one’s ability.  Both Sadna and Heart of Benjamin have opened hostels for disabled adults who can live a semi-independent life, providing them with employment opportunities as well. 

And some children just need that extra care or push when they are young so that they can overcome their challenges.  By donating to CFOIC Heartland you can be involved in many community programs that provide para-medical therapies, family counseling, and special-ed tutoring to children from toddler to high school graduate. 

When you make a gift to help Disabled Children and Adults in Judea and Samaria, you are ensuring that each child or adult receives the individual care and love that they need to thrive.  No child should ever be left behind, and with your help, CFOIC Heartland will be there for every special-needs child and adult, giving them the chance to succeed.