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Not being able to provide for your family is a heartbreaking reality for many families in Samaria. Beyond the financial strain, it can lead to a loss of self-worth and feelings of humiliation and failure. Sadly, a third of the families in the smaller communities of Samaria, within the Samaria Regional Council jurisdiction, live below the poverty line. Hundreds of families experience economic difficulties, and many require food subsidies to maintain a basic standard of living. With so many families needing assistance, the Social Services Department’s budget is always stretched to the limit.

Added to the normal hardships of living below the poverty line is the stress and additional economic pressures that have become so prevalent since October 7th 2023. Thousands of young men have served in the IDF reserves since then, many for more than 300 days! Many with small businesses were forced to close their businesses or drastically reduce their operations because they or their employees were just not available. So many young men have fallen in the war or have been injured in ways that require many months of rehabilitation or even permanent disability. This can cause serious financial setback for the families.

But there is hope! Thanks to generous donations from CFOIC Heartland supporters like you, the Samaria Family Assistance Program provides food vouchers, especially for the holidays, to help these desperate families.

The Samaria Family Assistance Program has turned to CFOIC Heartland to provide holiday food assistance for 550 families, during the spring holiday of Passover and the fall Feast of Tabernacles. Your support honors the original pioneers who first settled in Samaria and encourages today’s struggling pioneers, giving them hope and dignity as they continue to settle Biblical Israel.

Total Funds Needed: $63,250

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