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Children and Youth

Nofei Nehemiah

Nofei Nechemia must install a shade structure at their local playground. More than a place where children play, in the communities of Judea and Samaria, a playground serves as a gathering place for strengthening community. A Safe Space to Grow Click here for more project details Nofei Nechemia needs to install a shade structure at … Read more

Sde Boaz

Sde Boaz needs to upgrade its central playground to accommodate its growing community. Much more than a recreational area, a playground is essential for developing and strengthening community ties. Your gift today will bring joy! Swing, Climb & Jump with joy Click here for more project details Sde Boaz needs to upgrade its central playground … Read more

Maale Levona

Maale Levona must build a vital resource for its teens – a new youth center where teenagers can engage in stimulating programs and socialize with friends. Your gift will shape the next generation of pioneers. A Place to Connect Click here for more project details Maale Levona desperately needs your help building a vital resource … Read more


Your donation today will make a significant difference in the lives of Telem’s numerous young children. You can help provide them with a safe and nurturing environment that will enable them to grow and thrive. Keeping Precious Little Ones out of the cold Click here for more project details Your donation will make a significant … Read more

Har Gilo

Har Gilo must renovate local playgrounds for their growing community, creating safe spaces for children to play and parents to socialize. They need help to renovate their existing playgrounds and to install new play equipment. A safe place to play Click here for more project details Har Gilo needs to renovate local playgrounds for their … Read more


Bekaot, a community in the Jordan Valley, needs your help to renovate and furnish a youth center for their local teens. Today your help will enable these dedicated pioneers to recreate their warm community atmosphere. A Place to Grow Click here for more project details Bekaot, a small isolated community in the Jordan Valley, needs … Read more

Shani Livnah

Shani Livnah is placing particular emphasis on its youth this year. After COVID, these children need to get back on track and a fun-filled, active youth center will do so much to accomplish that goal. Raising up the Young Click here for more project details The people of Shani Livnah are placing particular emphasis on … Read more


Avigayil, an isolated community in the Hebron Hills, needs help to establish a youth center for their teens. Despite rising hostility, these pioneers are raising their children to be responsible and contributing members of society. Encouraging Teens Surrounded by Adversity Click here for more project details Avigayil, a small isolated community in the Hebron Hills, … Read more


Gitit, a small, isolated community in the Jordan Valley, needs your help to renovate a youth center and an adult activity center. Donations will provide the residents Gitit a place to socialize, learn, and grow. Room to Grow Click here for more project details Gitit, a small, isolated community in the Jordan Valley, needs your … Read more

Kochav Yaakov

Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost of hot lunches for the needy children of their community. These pioneers need your help to ensure no child in their community will go hungry. Feeding a Hungry Child Click here for more project details Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost … Read more