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Israeli Elections: Judea & Samaria in the face of Ongoing Stalemate

Monday 5 September, 12 Noon

Sydney, NSW

NSW Parliament House, The McKell Room, Macquarie St., Sydney NSW

RSVP Judy Russell, Email: judy.russell@iinet.au 

Tel: 0410 403 616

A free will love offering will be received to help the ongoing work of CFOIC Heartland in Israel.

Tuesday, 6 September, 7:30 PM

Canberra, NSW

 Vision Church, 1 Lithgow St., Fyshwick, Canberra, NSW.

Hosted by Jane O’Neill, email: janeoneill@iinet.net.au

Tel: 0405 237 029

Wednesday 7 September, 7:00 PM

Surrey Hills, VIC

Meeting in private residence, RSVP for address.

RSVP: austerbow2004@yahoo.com.au      

Tel: 0398 363 201 (h)  Cell: 0409 836 757

Thursday, 8 September, 2:00 PM

Sunbury, VIC

Sunbury Baptist Church, 207 Gap Rd., Sunbury, VIC  3127. 

Hosted by Lois Gallus.  Email: lggallus@icloud.com.  Tel: 0417 252 726


Thursday, 8 September, 7:00 PM

Upper Ferntree Gully, VIC

Prayer Centre Unit 8, 1154 Burwood Highway, Upper Ferntree Gully 3156, Victoria

Hosted by: Mariana Jack.  Tel: 0402723330 

Sunday, 11 September, 2:00 PM

Millaa Milla, QLD

Millaa Millaa Fellowship, The CWA Hall, 3 Palm Avenue, Millaa Millaa, QLD.

Contact: Lyndon Hockey Tel: 0428 772 902 Email: lyndon@hockeymachinery.com

Monday, 12 September, 7:00 PM

Toowoomba, QLD.

Neil St. Centre, 10 Neil St., Toowoomba, QLD. 

Host: Barry Rodgers.

Email:  barry@emugully.com.au,

Tel: 0428 662 528. 

Tuesday 13 September, 7PM

Buderim, QLD

Meeting in private residence, RSVP for address. 

 Email: reichs285@me.com

Tel: +61 7 5476 6070 (h),   +61 4 3121 5657 (cell).  

Wednesday 14 September, 6:30 PM

Brisbane, QLD

Meeting in private residence, RSVP for address. 

Email: georgepleasance7@gmail.com 

Tel: +61-7-33504169 (h),    +61-4-34516727 (cell).  

Sondra Oster Baras

A resident of Biblical Samaria, a former attorney and student of the Bible, will share inspiring Biblical teachings while updating audiences on the unique challenges facing Israel today and especially as they impact the brave pioneers who have settled in the Heartland of Biblical Israel.