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Ofra Heart of Benjamin Apartments


Raising a special-needs child is no easy task, even for the most loving of parents. Helping their child manage and overcome the hurdles and roadblocks they inevitably face throughout their upbringing requires hard work and endless devotion. Even after their child has reached adulthood, parents know full well that their child will continue to face many of the same challenges in life.

The Heart of Benjamin program in Ofra, which helps parents of special-needs children navigate a myriad of educational and social challenges, is committed towards ensuring that special-needs adults receive as many tools as possible to create a promising future for themselves. The Heart of Benjamin Adult Program provides on-site apartments for adults with special needs, supervised by counselors who help them accrue social skills as well as vocational experience at sheltered employment locations.

High-functioning participants in the program work at the Heart of Benjamin kitchen as well as at Ofra’s local coffee shop, where they prepare snacks, receive orders and manage the cash register. Jobs at the coffee shop are particularly desirable, giving them valued experience to integrate with mainstream society.

Offering special-needs adults a demonstrable formula for success in life, demand for admittance in the program has only continued to increase. Unfortunately, the program is currently at maximum capacity.

The Heart of Benjamin Adult Program, is uniquely geared to guide special-needs individuals in forging a fulfilling life. They need your support to cover the costs of furnishing and equipping an additional apartment to house new participants. With your gift, you will play a key role in giving more special-needs adults, who have already had to face so many challenges in life, a truly promising future. Please help them reach for the skies and achieve their full potential!

Total Funds Needed: $32,860

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