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Heartland Story: Protecting Samaria’s Residents after October 7th

As the sun sets of Fridays and the hustle and bustle of the week fades into the background, families in Judea and Samaria nestle into the sacred embrace of the sabbath. But one Friday evening, tranquility shattered as a sinister plot unfolded in Shaked, located in Northern Samaria.  As parents tenderly tucked their children into … Read more

A Success Story in Gitit

The small community of Gitit, located in the western part of the Jordan Valley and comprising just 110 families, was suddenly left with a gaping hole when 70 of its men were called up for reserve duty.

An Eye on Zion: Kedumim

Almost 3,800 years ago, the great-great-grandchildren of Joseph, excitedly surveyed the lush hills of Samaria comprising the tribal territories allotted to them by Joshua. However, the tribesmen of Manasseh and Ephraim, the two sons of Joseph, faced an ostensible dilemma: How would their mountainous territories accommodate and provide for their large populations?