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The Importance of Today – November 6, 2012

Today is a very exciting day for many people in both Israel and the US.  In the US, Americans are going to the polls to elect the next president of their country and at the time of this writing the race is too close to call.  Israelis are following that race as the President of … Read more

Stories from Shani Livneh and Emanuel

I just returned from a visit to Israel and I am still trying to absorb all that I saw and experienced. It has been over eleven years since I have made such an in depth visit to the communities in Judea and Samaria. WOW!! I was so encouraged to see all of the growth and … Read more

Go Vote!

  Two weeks from today Americans will go to the polls to votefor our President. I received an email from someone who reads our blog, and she expressed her frustration with the presidential candidates. She is having difficulty deciding which candidate should receive her vote. Many of my fellow Christians are voicing the opinion that … Read more

People in My Neighborhood: Meet Sarah

    Sarah loves a stage and the stage loves Sarah. I can’t imagine a situation where there’s an available microphone in the vicinity and Sarah’s not reaching for it!  And it doesn’t matter how large or intimate the setting is.  Our Karnei Shomron Cultural Center arranges parties, performances and activities for the community at … Read more