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Becoming a Proud Woman of Israel

Shoshana, (3rd from the left), receiving the Immigrant of Excellence award, together with her school counselor and ministers of education.

The Ofra immigrant students are extremely motivated, ready to take root in their new beloved homeland… ready to soar. With just a little help from you, we can ensure that these girls become proud young women of Israel.


A mother of one of the children just wanted to share that when she asked her son “But WHY WHY? did they come and Why did they bring you gifts??” her sons response was “JUST BECAUSE THEY LOVE US MOM!” My heart melted, it is the truth.


August 1, 2017 By: Sondra Baras Today is the 9th of Av, the day according to the Hebrew calendar that commemorates the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem: Solomon’s Temple and Herod’s Temple (which was a rebuilt version of the earlier Temple of Ezra and Nehemiah).  For centuries, this date marked the terrible fate that … Read more

Pikudei Exodus 38:21 – 40:38

Twice, Scripture tells us that the glory of God has filled the Tabernacle, which, in essence is what the Tabernacle was for.  When God first instructed Moses on this issue, He said:  “And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst” (Exodus 25:8). Clearly, in having His glory fill the Tabernacle, He is dwelling among His people.