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New Immigrant Program

The people of Judea and Samaria are calling on you to provide Ukrainian refugees with resources to ensure their adjustment in Israel. Your donation will help Jewish Ukrainian refugees feel that they have come home!

Helping Ukrainian Refugees Find a Home

The people of Judea and Samaria are calling on you to help provide struggling Ukrainian refugees with essential resources to ensure their successful adjustment in Israel. Your donation will be an encouragement to those who, like Abraham, left their homeland behind and set forth to settle in a new land. Your donation will help Jewish Ukrainian refugees truly feel that they have come home!

With your help, Jewish refugees from the Ukraine will develop a deep connection to their Biblical homeland

With your help, Jewish refugees from the Ukraine will develop a deep connection to their Biblical homeland

The people of Judea and Samaria are calling on you to help provide struggling Ukrainian refugees with essential resources to ensure their successful adjustment in Israel. Your donation will be an encouragement to those who, like Abraham, left their homeland behind and set forth to settle in a new land. Your donation will help Jewish Ukrainian refugees truly feel that they have come home!