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From an isolated spot overlooking the Jordan Valley, a hardy group of pioneers fully committed to securing the People of Israel in the Biblical Heartland established the community of Migdalim in 1984. The large number of Arab villages in the surrounding area did not  discourage them. The founders of Migdalim understood that a new community at that location would serve to strengthen the People of Israel’s presence in the Biblical Heartland by linking the communities on the high peaks of central Samaria with Ma’ale Ephraim, the western-most community in the Jordan Valley.

Until recently, Migdalim comprised just several dozen families. However over the last decade, Migdalim has grown exponentially in size and in number thanks to a large influx of young families. Everyone received a warm welcome from Migdalim as well as the Samaria Regional Council. Migdalim experienced the recent population boom even in the face of a significant increase in terror activity from hostile neighbors.

The community of Migdalim looks forward to absorbing even more families. But with the blessed increase in its number of residents, Migdalim must make critical adjustments to accommodate its expanding community. Towards that end, Migdalim is planning to make structural changes to its Moms and Babies club that would allow for many other communal events, such as circumcisions of baby boys as well as bar- and bat-mitzvah receptions, to be held there. But they need your help to make this vision a reality!

The resilient and visionary community of Migdalim needs your help to accommodate its expanding community. With your support, the pioneers of Migdalim will repurpose their Moms and Babies club into a center that will also host a variety of other communal events on a daily basis. Your gift will provide Migdalim with the resources to turn two separate rooms into one hall by replacing an existing wall with an acoustic divider. Please give to the families of Migdalim today!

Total Funds Needed: $30,840

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