A special invitation letter from Joy Heylen, CFOIC Heartland Aussie Rep
Marion Sully and I would like to invite you to Tour Judea and Samaria with us between the 10th and 23rd of June, which has been organized by Sondra Baras from Christian Friends of Israel Communities (CFOIC Heartland) and will be ably guided by our good friend Stan Goodenough. The Tour will also take in many of the traditional Christian sites but the main focus is for participants to learn about the Biblical and strategic importance of Judea and Samaria and to meet with the brave Israelis who feel “called” to settle this area after God gave it back to them in 1967.
Learn more: https://cfoic.com/june-2022-tour/
Their faith and love for the Land and their communities are truly inspirational, especially in light of the challenges they face from unfriendly neighbours and a Government that seeks to please the world rather than serve their own citizens. But I know you will be thrilled and blessed to see and hear how God is with them in their efforts to “settle” the Land. You will come away seeing the truth of Psalm 66:5 “Come see the glorious things God has done. What marvelous miracles happen to His people” and so many other Scriptures, “How beautiful are your tents O Jacob, how lovely are your homes Israel” Numbers 24:5.
Comments from participants on our 2019 Tour include “Everybody should do this Tour”. “This Tour is unique”. “This has given me so much insight into what God is doing in this hour and how He wants us Christians to be a Ruth who said to Naomi (Israel) “Your people will be my people, Your God will be my God”. All participants were so blessed by the leisurely pace of the Tour and the time allocated for people to shop or just sit and reflect on what they had seen. (We actually stay six nights in one Hotel in Jerusalem and do day trips from there.)
Learn more: https://cfoic.com/june-2022-tour/
We’re very aware that it is short notice for people to decide whether to sign up or not but we are also very confident that God will make it very clear to you whether you are. Steven Green will ably manage all Flight Bookings and NOTE will receive all payments for the Tour so an International Transfer is not required. Currently both vaxxed and unvaxxed can leave Oz and enter Israel. And currently, a Covid Test is required before leaving and on arrival in Israel but the latter means that we can go straight to our Dead Sea Hotel and rest up while we wait for the results! Again the 2019 Tour participants were delighted by spending Shabbat in such lovely surroundings.
This is a link to the Flyer https://cfoic.com/june-2022-tour/. The itinerary and Registration Form are on the website.
Please feel free to contact me via email joyhey50@gmail.com or on my Whatsapp Number +61439661996 if you’d like any further information.
NOTE Sondra’s next Israel Update via zoom will be on the 12th of April at 7.00 pm AEST.
url.com/sondra-oz. I will send out a reminder on the day. Barry Rodgers will be hosting this one as Marion and I will be away.
Joy Heylen and Marion Sully
PS Please forward this email to any others who you feel might be interested. Thank you!