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Israel Update – November 12, 2024

It has been a real roller coaster of events just in this past week, between the vicious anti-Semitic attacks in Amsterdam on the one hand, and the amazing victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections on the other.

 To keep up with what is happening in Israel and to ensure that the people of Judea and Samaria are prepared for Hamas attacks in our area, please click here: https://cfoic.com/looking-forward/

If you are in Australia, you will find it easier to donate via our Australian bank account. Here are those details: ANZ Account in the name of Christian Friends of Israeli Communities, BSB: 013822, Account No.: 232473704. Please send me an email to inform me of your donation and to let me know if you would like to earmark it for emergency needs.

Thanks for being so supportive of Israel!