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Hukat (Statute) – Numbers 19:1 – 22:1

Torah (1)

This week’s portion, Hukat, is action-packed! The red heifer is introduced, Miriam and Aaron both die, and Moses strikes a rock in anger to bring forth water. Moses then faces serious consequences for striking the rock instead of speaking to it. There are so many explanations for this story that Shmuel compiled a list!

From the anger of Moses to the red heifers in Shiloh in 2024, Shmuel shares his insight and emphasizes the importance of living by faith.

4 thoughts on “Hukat (Statute) – Numbers 19:1 – 22:1”

  1. We always must listen to God or else there are severe consequences to not obeying God’s Word. He knows the end from the beginning….we don’t…we must believe in our loving God because He is perfect…we’re not nor ever will be. Tonia

  2. Interesting teaching here. I have often felt it was hard on \Moses not to have entered the Promised land, but, as Shmuel states, Moses had done something that was well past G-d’s approval rating. Moses had run a very good course and been faithful to G-d amongst all his generation, that point being made to Miriam and Aaron when they spoke against Moses.
    For me G-d was demonstrating His Holiness to the degree that even Moses stumbled, suggesting that no one, whoever we are can stand before G-d; even less justify ourselves before Him. Salutary stuff here.


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