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Har Gilo

Har Gilo urgently needs your help to purchase security equipment to protect and defend their families from hostile attacks. Security is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Your donation will save lives in Judea!

Protecting families under fire

Har Gilo urgently needs your help to purchase security equipment to protect and defend their families from hostile attacks. Security is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Your support will give the pioneers of Har Gilo the vital equipment they need to prevent future attacks while safely continuing to settle Biblical Israel. Your donation will save lives!

Bet Hagai youth are mentored by rabbis, who provide them with spiritual fortification, as they study Bible together

You can help build Har Gilo stronger for future generations as it strategically sits between Jerusalem and Bethlehem

Har Gilo urgently needs your help to purchase security equipment to protect and defend their families from hostile attacks. Security is not a luxury; it is a necessity. Your support will give the pioneers of Har Gilo the vital equipment they need to prevent future attacks while safely continuing to settle Biblical Israel. Your donation will save lives!

Your donation will protect families and save lives in a community like Har Gilo. Thank you!