There is a reason they are called the golden years; aging has its perks — perspective, wisdom, self-confidence, more leisure time, and grandchildren. But for some seniors, this time can be marked by loneliness, deteriorating health, and cognitive decline. Public assistance can only reach so far, and then what?
Gush Etzion is home to over 2,000 senior citizens, including Holocaust survivors and many of the original pioneers who settled in Judea. Although many of these seniors are healthy and enjoy their golden years engaging in fulfilling activities with family and friends, some live in complete solitude. And some 240 seniors live hand-to-mouth, receiving monthly financial assistance from Social Services. But as more founding pioneers reach retirement age, the number of needy seniors continues to rise. The Gush Etzion Regional Municipality has stepped up to provide food vouchers, assistance with costly medications, and financial aid, ensuring seniors can maintain their independence and live safely in their own homes.
In Israel, senior citizens’ basic needs are covered by Social Security, national medical insurance, and subsidized dental care. But, for seniors who are living on a strict budget, an unusual medical expense or a sudden disability can tip the balance. Recently, an elderly person lost his eyesight and had an immediate need to create a handicap-accessible entrance to his home. Some seniors need assistance in covering their heating bills, an extra winter expense, while others need help to cover the extra food costs at holiday time.
- BIBLICAL SIGNIFICANCE: First settled in the 1920’s, four kibbutz settlements were destroyed by the Jordanians on the eve of Israel’s independence in 1948. Re-settled in 1967, right after the Six Day War
- POPULATION: over 25,000

With your generous support, you can provide ongoing support to the seniors of Gush Etzion, to cover these vital needs.
The people of Gush Etzion need your help TODAY to care for their elderly residents. These seniors, who helped establish the State of Israel, are no longer independent. They need assistance. Your gift will provide Judea’s original pioneers with their most vital needs, protecting their dignity and honoring their contribution to Biblical Israel.