Welcome to our virtual tour down Route 60 the Biblical Highway in Judea and Samaria!
We hope you enjoy yourself and come away inspired by what you see and experience.
Are you ready? Can you feel the excitement? It is your first day touring with CFOIC Heartland in Judea and Samaria! Hop on the bus and we’ll depart from Jerusalem and head north towards the Mountains of Israel…
Day 1 - Samaria
Stop 1
We will start by traveling back in time 4,000 years, to when Abraham first entered the Promised Land. What did God promise Abraham on this mountain? When was the next time this very place is mentioned in the Bible? Join us as we open our Bibles and see Scripture coming to life right before our eyes…
Stop 2
Kedumim was the first community settled in Samaria after the Six Day War. It is a remarkable story of ingenuity, boldness, pioneering struggles and courage. Join us as we visit Kedumim and Karnei Shomron and hear their stories, then and now...
Stop 2
Kedumim was the first community settled in Samaria after the Six Day War. It is a remarkable story of ingenuity, boldness, pioneering struggles and courage. Join us as we visit Kedumim and Karnei Shomron and hear their stories, then and now...
Stop 3
Maale Shomron has been incorporated into Karnei Shomron but it has its own story to tell. The archaeological ruins located right in the community bring us regards from the ancient Israelites of the Manashe Tribe as they settled and farmed in this land 2,500 years ago...
Time to head back to Jerusalem – Imagine the delicious dinner at the hotel buffet before we collapse into our beds ready for a good night’s sleep. We have a busy day again tomorrow, with lots more to see and experience!
Day 2 - Samaria: Benjamin
Stop 1
Imagine what Shiloh must have looked like when the Tabernacle stood here, and all the Children of Israel came to worship the One True God, three times a year during the pilgrimage festivals. Here we will once again open our Bibles and read about the Prophet Samuel. Join me as we enter the ancient city of Shiloh…
Stop 2
As we visit the community of Ofra, we will once again stop and open our Bibles. As we stand on the hills overlooking Ofra, we will recall the story of Abraham and Lot, as their shepherds fought over grazing lands for their flocks. Join us and see the place where Lot and Abraham part ways...
Stop 2
As we visit the community of Ofra, we will once again stop and open our Bibles. As we stand on the hills overlooking Ofra, we will recall the story of Abraham and Lot, as their shepherds fought over grazing lands for their flocks. Join us and see the place where Lot and Abraham part ways...
Stop 3
As we move east from the hilltops of Samaria toward the Judean Hills that descend to the Jordan Valley, we will stop at two wonderful places located on that seam between Beth El and Jericho. In Mitzpe Dani we will explore a pioneering community with stunning views. In Genesis Land, we will relive the hospitality of Abraham’s tent...
Time to head back to Jerusalem – Imagine the delicious dinner at the hotel buffet before we collapse into our beds ready for a good night’s sleep. We have a busy day again tomorrow, with lots more to see and experience!
Day 3 - Judea: Hebron Hills
Stop 1
We will get an early start today – we have a long drive ahead of us as we depart Jerusalem and head south. All the way to Hebron to an amazing Biblical site, the Cave of Machpelah, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives Sarah, Rebecca and Leah are buried. And we will visit modern Hebron and Kiryat Arba and witness the revival of this ancient Biblical area…
Stop 2
Located in the Hebron Hills south of Hebron, Otniel is named for Biblical Otniel son of Knaz, the first judge of Israel. We will see the place where his wife, Achsa, Caleb’s daughter, bargained with her father for the springs of Gulot and we will meet the modern-day residents of this close-knit community…
Stop 2
Located in the Hebron Hills south of Hebron, Otniel is named for Biblical Otniel son of Knaz, the first judge of Israel. We will see the place where his wife, Achsa, Caleb’s daughter, bargained with her father for the springs of Gulot and we will meet the modern-day residents of this close-knit community…
Stop 3
Not far from Otniel is Sussya, a modern community located next to an ancient 5th century community of the same name. We will explore the ruins that have been restored to reveal a town of amazing proportions with a huge synagogue. Go back in time and imagine the ancient Jews living here under Roman occupation and beyond…
Time to head back to Jerusalem – Imagine the delicious dinner at the hotel buffet before we collapse into our beds ready for a good night’s sleep. We have a busy day again tomorrow, with lots more to see and experience!
Day 4 - Judea: Gush Etzion
Stop 1
The Six Day War has ended and Gush Etzion has been redeemed. The children who had been evacuated in 1947 return to re-establish their community in Gush Etzion. It is a story of memory and courage and dedication to Biblical values. Experience their story…
Stop 2
Just across the way from Alon Shvut is Migdal Oz, a religious Kibbutz established near the ruins of a Jewish community from the 1920’s. Hear the story of the entire Gush Etzion region which has miraculously come to life, exceeding anything the pioneers of the 1940’s had ever dreamed of accomplishing...
Stop 2
Just across the way from Alon Shvut is Migdal Oz, a religious Kibbutz established near the ruins of a Jewish community from the 1920’s. Hear the story of the entire Gush Etzion region which has miraculously come to life, exceeding anything the pioneers of the 1940’s had ever dreamed of accomplishing...
Once again it is time to head back to Jerusalem – Imagine the delicious dinner at the hotel buffet before we collapse into our beds ready for a good night’s sleep. Have you enjoyed your journey through Judea and Samaria? We have one final day — tomorrow we head to the Jordan Valley before we travel north towards the Sea of Galilee.
Day 5 - Jordan Valley
Stop 1
You have all read the story of the miraculous crossing of the Jordan River under Joshua and you all know the story of Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist. Well, both amazing events happened right here on the shores of the Jordan River opposite Jericho… Â
Stop 2
You made it!! We have just arrived at our final stop on our journey together through the heart of Biblical Israel. Argaman is a lovely community in the Jordan Valley but even more exciting is the amazing ruin located just nearby. Explore what the word Gilgal really means…
Stop 2
You made it!! We have just arrived at our final stop on our journey together through the heart of Biblical Israel. Argaman is a lovely community in the Jordan Valley but even more exciting is the amazing ruin located just nearby. Explore what the word Gilgal really means…
Thank you for joining us on this five-day in-depth virtual tour through the Biblical Heartland of Judea and Samaria!
We hope that you will come and visit with us in person one day very soon. The people of Judea and Samaria are eager to host you in their homes and share with you the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy that they are witnessing every day of their lives. Together, with Bible in hand, we will walk through the Promised Land!
We hope you enjoyed this virtual tour down Route 60 on the Biblical Highway through the Biblical Heartland - Judea and Samaria! To continue your journey to Israel, we would like to send you a FREE brochure about our work in Israel. To request your FREE copy today, just fill out the form below: