Study Samuel LIVE with Sondra Oster Baras
In the book of Judges, we followed close to 400 years of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. There is no national government and the leaders are temporary and regional. The nation moves between times of trouble and times of quiet, between devotion to God and submission to foreign nations and their pagan gods. The final statement of Judges is telling indeed: “In those days there was no King in Israel; everyone did as he pleased.”
Samuel brings a refreshing change to the nation of Israel. Samuel is dedicated to God by his mother even before his birth and it is Samuel who will anoint the kings of Israel. Join us for an in-depth study of Samuel as we learn about this important time in the life of the Nation of Israel and understand the messages this timeless book has for all of us today.
Each week, Sondra will share her own insights, based on centuries of Jewish traditions, with her international audience. This is a class you don’t want to miss! This course is totally free to all those who register.
Mondays 6pm Israel time, 4pm UK time, 11am Eastern time, and 8am Pacific time.