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Balak (Balak) – Numbers 22:2 – 25:9

Torah (1)

The Children of Israel’s enemies choose to engage in spiritual warfare after being unable to defeat Israel with swords in Portion Balak. Yet the Prophet Balam is a huge disappointment after he is unable to fulfill his contract to curse Israel. This is a weird story! Why is it in the Torah at all? This story reminds us that when enemies come against Israel, the God who neither slumbers nor sleeps is keeping watch. Shabbat Shalom!

3 thoughts on “Balak (Balak) – Numbers 22:2 – 25:9”

  1. I’ve always enjoyed this story. I shared it many years ago to my 6 year old granddaughter who is now almost 20. Thank you for expounding on this scripture. I’ll see you dear honorable brother in Laconia, NH at my church on July 30, Lord willing! Jehovah bless you and give you safe travels


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