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August 2023 Heartland Highlight: Kochav Yaakov

Kochav Yaakov is asking you to help cover the cost of hot lunches for the needy children of their community. These caring pioneers need your help to ensure no child in their community will go hungry. They are asking you to support this vital humanitarian program. With your donation, you will feed a needy child in Samaria, enabling them to grow and flourish in the Biblical Heartland.

Proper nutrition is essential for growing children. Poor diet contributes to behavioral issues, lack of concentration, and sleep problems. No child should ever go hungry, feeling hollowness in his stomach. Kochav Yaakov is home to many new immigrants struggling to acclimate to their new homeland. Sadly, many children go to school hungry. Despite the economic struggles of many of its residents, affordable housing and proximity to Jerusalem make Kochav Yaakov a desirable community. Many low-income Israelis choose to raise their families here because it offers a vibrant community atmosphere for their children. Even though they may be experiencing economic hardship, they want a better life for their children, and they have found a warm and loving environment in Kochav Yaakov that is hard to find in a big city.

Kochav Yaakov has school programs for local children of all ages, from daycare centers and preschools to elementary school for grades 1-6 and a girls’ junior high and high school. Sadly, there are scores of needy families in the community, and their financial burden has only worsened over the past few years. Many residents in Kochav Yaakov are unemployed, and those fortunate enough to have a job are still not making enough to meet their family’s basic needs.

The community of Kochav Yaakov has a hot lunch program for all the children attending local schools. Parents who can afford it pay for their children’s lunches. For those parents who can’t afford to buy lunch, the cost is discretely covered by generous donors like you. Everyone is served the same food at lunchtime, ensuring that needy children receive at least one nutritious hot meal daily without feeling shame or embarrassment. There are 200 children in the community whose families cannot pay for school lunches. Government funding and private fund-raising initiatives in the community cover the cost of lunch for 150 children. The 50 remaining children need your help.

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