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Adorah: Thank YOU!


Thank YOU!!

We have received this thank you letter from Adorah for your contribution toward their security needs.
But you, our donors and supporters, are the ones who really make it all happen.   The thanks belong to you!

July 11, 2021

Dear CFOIC Heartland and Christian friends,

We would like to extend our deepest gratitude for partnering with us in defending our community and the Judea and Samaria region at large. With your generous donation we were able to buy a new surveillance system, to monitor hostile threats and alert our civilian first responders, before threats become full-fledged terrorist attacks.

The community of Adorah, and neighboring Telem are two of the most isolated and vulnerable communities in Judea and Samaria. Completely surrounded by hostile Arab villages, we face enormous security threats on a daily basis.

Adorah is positioned strategically to prevent Arab expansion and a de facto Palestinian State. We are defending Jewish lands in the Hebron Hills, protecting the people and the land against hostile Arabs who are waging a persistent and systematic campaign to uproot Jewish communities and to take over Jewish lands. The people of Adorah, previously traumatized by a horrific terrorist invasion, suffering casualties, injuries and emotional scars, continue enduring scores of hostile Arab infiltration attempts and arson attacks. Last summer, Arab terrorists set fire just outside Adorah’s perimeter, endangering the entire community. Thank God no one was hurt but it was a terrifying experience.

You are helping protect children in AdorahKnowing that you stand with us, together with all of your wonderful donors who understand the supreme value of settlement in the Land of Israel, strengthens us and bolsters our spirit to continue settling and developing the Biblical Heartland.

On behalf of the residents of Adorah, we thank you for your life-saving contribution, your friendship and support. We would love to host you in our community at any time. Please convey our heartfelt thanks to your donors.

With blessings and appreciation,
Dubi Magenheim – Community Administrator