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A Visit With Shmuel: A Purim Celebration

Join me now, as I celebrate Purim in Zufim...

This month, I have a very special film for you. We celebrated Purim last week and I filmed this on that day, in my own community of Zufim, enabling you to share my wonderful holiday with me. Join me, as I take you into the synagogue for the reading of the Book of Esther, I walk with you in the streets of Zufim with children dressed in all sorts of costumes and I have you join me for our festive meal. If you could not celebrate Purim in a Jewish community, then this is certainly the next best thing. Please join me as we celebrate Purim in Zufim!

I hoped you enjoyed that insider’s view of Zufim and how we celebrate Purim.  I hope you will consider supporting the people who have settled in communities throughout Judea and Samaria. Click here to learn more about the people of Shimah and support their most urgent need today.


God Bless,

Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland

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