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A Visit With Shmuel: Mevo Dotan

Join me now, as I enter Mevo Dotan...

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Mevo Dotan in Northern Samaria and actually felt like I was witnessing a miracle. This is a community that was founded back in the 80’s with great views and good people. But then came the Second Intifada and life came crashing down. It became so dangerous to travel to the community that even postal and bus services stopped. The people had no choice and most left.

Today, Mevo Dotan is a vibrant community and growing by leaps and bounds. Watch this video and see for yourselves how this community experienced a miracle!

I hope you enjoyed your visit with me in Mevo Dotan. And I hope you will consider supporting the people who have settled in communities throughout Judea and Samaria. Click here to learn more about the people of my own community, Zufim, and support their most urgent need today.

Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland

Where is Mevo Dotan?

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