Counted among the Jewish world’s most esteemed religious leaders, Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira left behind a most impactful legacy that is felt to this very day. Born and raised in Tafilalt, Morocco during the early nineteenth century, Rabbi Abuhatzeira became a prominent, scholarly leader of his community from a very young age, serving as Tafilalt’s Chief Rabbi. Held in high regard, Rabbis from near and far sought his counsel.

While living a life in Morrocco of profound meaning and purpose, Rabbi Abuhatzeira’s heart was nonetheless always directed towards the Land of Israel. In 1879, following the path and example of the Biblical patriarch Abraham, Rabbi Abuhatzeira removed himself from the land of his upbringing to start a completely new life in the Land of Israel. Unfortunately, he never made it to Israel and passed away after falling ill in the Egyptian city of Damanhour.

Just over a century later, a group of devout pioneers sharing the same love and passion for the Land of Israel, founded a new community just north of Jerusalem. Drawing their inspiration from Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira, they named it “Abir Yaakov,” the same venerated title that was used to address the late Rabbi during his life. Subsequently renamed “Kochav Yaakov,” (“Star of Jacob”), the community has absorbed many Jews who, like Rabbi Abuhatzeira, left their respective countries of birth to live in the Land of Israel
The community of Kochav Yaakov comprises residents from all walks of life including those in academia, the Rabbinic world and many other professions. Unfortunately, many parents in Kochav Yaakov are unemployed or at the very least, unable to make ends meet for themselves and their children. For a number of years, generous CFOIC Heartland donors have helped these parents by covering the cost of school hot lunches for their children. The heartfelt support from CFOIC Heartland donors has allowed the children of these parents to have the opportunity, like the rest of their peers, to enjoy a nutritious, healthy meal every day at school. With ongoing inflation and the rising cost of living, the struggling families of Kochav Yaakov need our help now more than ever in making sure their children never go hungry! Please support these devoted pioneers of the Biblical Heartland!