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An Eye on Zion: Gush Etzion


In 1927, a group of pious Jews from Yemen and Jerusalem sought to restore the Judean hills, which had lain barren and in ruins for almost 2,000 years. They named their newly established community, directly southwest of Jerusalem, “Migdal Eder,” after a nearby location where Jacob once pitched his tent (Genesis 35:21). Unfortunately, just two years after its founding, Migdal Eder was completely decimated in the Arab riots of 1929. Nevertheless, the determination of the pioneers in Israel never wavered.

A few years later, Shmuel Zvi Holzmann, a Zionist entrepreneur, purchased land nearby to establish the new community of Kfar Etzion. Sadly, Kfar Etzion was destroyed during the Arab riots of 1936. But once again, the resolve of the pioneers in Israel remained unshakable. In the early 1940’s, a group of devoted pioneers, established four communities in the area, including a new Kfar Etzion. 

Tragically, all four of the Etzion communities were attacked and destroyed by the Arabs during Israel’s War of Independence in 1948, massacring all the survivors of Kfar Etzion. For the next 19 years, all four communities lay in ruins. The only trace remaining from the Etzion bloc was a lone oak tree, visible to the naked eye from the lowlands within Israel’s pre-1967 boundaries. The Biblically devout Jewish refugees from Kfar Etzion, would regularly visit the border area, gazing upon the tree from afar, hoping that one day they would return. Their dreams and aspirations were finally fulfilled after the People of Israel miraculously liberated the area along with the rest of Judea and Samaria in 1967.

Today, Gush Etzion (the Etzion bloc) is flourishing with over 25,000 pioneers living in the regional bloc. Approximately 2,000 of Gush Etzion’s residents are senior citizens, many of whom are original pioneers of the area. Sadly, around several hundred of Gush Etzion’s seniors are living hand to mouth and absolutely rely on financial assistance. As more of Gush Etzion’s founding pioneers reach retirement age, the number of needy seniors in the region only continues to rise. The original pioneers of Gush Etzion as well as the founders of communities throughout Judea and Samaria, risked their lives to restore the Biblical Heartland. They only want to live peacefully and enjoy their golden years in dignity and health. Please give them the honor, care and support they so richly need and deserve by donating today!

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