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Re’eh (Behold) Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17

Torah (1)

Portion Re’eh details the covenant between the Children of Israel and God. It admonishes the Children of Israel to guard themselves against pagan practices as they enter the land of Israel. Several times it mentions the place that God chose. What is this place? Jerusalem of course!  Join Shmuel for a teaching on correct worship, and the holiness of Jerusalem. Shabbat Shalom!

2 thoughts on “Re’eh (Behold) Deuteronomy 11:26 – 16:17”

  1. Brother Shmuel
    Such a word I needed to hear. Let not only my eyes see, my spirit see and know this . Not only my desire, yet the desire of YHWH. I pray my spirit and heart align with the the truth of this word.
    Shabbat Shalom
    Terrence in Perth

  2. Shalom Shmuel! The first place where the Ark of The Covenant rested was Shiloh for many years. Yehousha had it place there. I believe it was territory alloted to him (Ephraim). David desire to bring it to the place where he had conquered from the Yebusites. That place was really a portion of land for Benyamin. Father even blessed the people’s home where the Ark of The Covenant rested, after tge Philistine took it but gave it up from they weren’t being blessed by it.


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