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Ekev (Because) Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25

Torah (1)

This week marks eleven months on the Hebrew calendar since the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel. Eleven months is the traditional Jewish mourning period. This week’s Torah portion Ekev speaks of future disasters and destructions, many of which feel all too familiar today. This portion also describes the Children of Israel as a “stiff-necked people”. While this description often comes with negative connotations, Shmuel shares how being stiff-necked has anchored the Jewish people in their faith and traditions. Shabbat Shalom!

5 thoughts on “Ekev (Because) Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25”

  1. Amen and amen my friend. We fight now. There is a time for fighting and a time for mourning. Let us fight now because we fight for Ha Shem’s words and for the light of the bible against the story of deception and lies. Ha Shem will give us the oil for our mourning when it is time.

    This story is unfolding in its own way. So many showing such faith, love, courage that is the joy to the creator’s heart but others also showing betrayal in individuals and institutions alike that shows they never knew Him. Have we ever read all his words? We are all being subjected to this judgment right now. The powerful and the poor. ‘What think thou of me?’ We are being sifted like grain. We only have this one opportunity. What we stand on and therefore where we stand is now becoming very clear. How terrible our choices are and the consequences of them.
    We may face the danger with courage, because we know who we believe and what we stand with. We recognise others who make stand on the same truth, no matter what they are called or the colour of their skin.
    But those who are deceived and follow the path of deception and are also becoming clear. We can see them now. The veil is being lifted, and Oh, how terrible is this sight.
    I thank G-d in heaven for you and the work you and your friends do. Stay strong my brother, stay safe. Keep doing what you are doing. We are very grateful. Heaven is grateful

  2. So true Shmuel and we are so glad that you are so “stiff necked” or the world would be even worse off than what it is now. Bless you

  3. As I travail myself in prayer this morning and am blessed to hear
    G d speak thru you, I am transformed and encouraged. Thank you my brother: G d bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and give you peace! Shabbat Shalom.


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