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Tragedy of War Reaches CFOIC


January 1, 2024

It is with heavy hearts that we share the devastating news of the passing of Amichai Yisrael Yehoshua Oster, nephew of our founder and International President, Sondra Oster Baras. Amichai, a brave soul at the young age of 24, fell in battle in northern Gaza on New Year’s Day 2024.

Amichai Oster, 24

Residing in Karnei Shomron, Samaria, Amichai leaves behind his grieving parents, Marcy and Dr. Howard Oster, and siblings Sara, Emunah, Tova, and Yonatan, the latter currently serving in the IDF. Amichai’s sacrifice, like that of countless others in the Biblical Heartland, underscores his unwavering commitment to the Land of Israel.

Mayor Igal Lahav of Karnei Shomron beautifully described Amichai as “a charming, intelligent, smiling young man who would do everything for the sake of the Land of Israel.” His actions spoke louder than words; on October 7th, Amichai, despite traveling abroad, swiftly returned to Israel, reporting for reserve duty without hesitation.

As we navigate this somber period, let us honor Amichai’s memory by continuing to stand together in the face of adversity.

88 thoughts on “Tragedy of War Reaches CFOIC”

  1. Nooooo, OMGoodness!! I am sooo sorry and heartbroken to hear about Sondra’s nephew 💔😢 Please relay my condolences to her, and yes, absolutely keeping her and the entire family in prayer.

    • To Marcy and Howard Oster,
      Your son, Amichai, will yet come back when the God of Israel will open the graves of the slain of the whole House of Israel at his establishment of the Olam Haba, the new world.
      Do not weep, your son only sleeps.

  2. Please give Sondra our condolences and that we are praying for her family’s shalom (peace, wellness, wholeness, completeness and prosperity).

    • My heart is broken as not only a mother but as a supporter of Israel and the beautiful work CFOIC does. Such a tragic loss.. xI thank you for his service and I pray for comfort for your family.

  3. So sorry to hear this horrible news. I will pray for comfort for Sondra and the family, and for peace of Jerusalem. 🙏🙏

  4. Thank you for sharing this tragic, sad news.

    ” May his memory be a blessing”

    I will send a card.

    Prayers for her own son’s safety in the IDF too.

    Bless you

  5. Dear Sondra, so very, very sorry to hear of your nephew’s death while serving his country. Please pass our condolences on to his family as we stand/kneel with Israel. Sadly, we have lost a precious ‘Aussie’ Jewish soldier to this madding war; His wife is very close to giving birth to their 2nd child. Please pray for her & the family at this very poignant time for the family Thank you.

  6. All these beautiful wonderful young people giving their lives. So heartbreaking, my heart breaks for your family , for the loss of Amichai, who didn’t get the chance of a long life

  7. so sorry to hear this news. Praying for Sondra and all family.
    A group of us here pray each week for all in Israel and for the success of the military war. Watching and praying each day.
    Much love to all.

  8. Oh Sondra, I am so incredibly sorry to hear this. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
    I pray you find comfort in His Grace, knowing that Amichai was ushered into His presence, restored and renewed in an eternal body, and full of a joy we can’t even imagine. God Bless his parents and your family and God Bless Israel. 🙏🏻

  9. Dear friends. So sorry
    There are no words to say at the loss of Amichai. Although I did not know him. I do know he was one of the great young praying warriors of Israel. He was one of the ones that HaShem designed this whole world to be like. His life was a model of what men were designed to reach and his story is that he is at one with all those that went before him and hopefully will show the way to those who are to come.

    We are few, but the story only needs a few, to be an eternal story. Bless you all and we join in your grief from UK

  10. To dear Sondra and all of Amichai’s grieving family, please be assured that there are many Christian Friends of Israel in Scotland who are upholding you and surrounding you in prayer in your sorrow, pain and loss.

  11. I too am a parent whose adult child (actually 2) went on to Gliry ahead of me. My heart goes out to you and my prayers rise to Eloheynu on your behalf. May His great Holy Spirit comfort you.

  12. We are so sorry to hear this sad news of Sondra’s family. Such a brave young man fighting a war not just for Israel but for the rest of the world.
    May his memory indeed be a blessing 🙏🏻🕎🇮🇱
    Deep Sympathy from Merthyr Tydfil South Wales U.K.

  13. SONDRA and FAMILY,
    I don’t have the words to truly tell you how very sorry I am for your loss. He was a beautiful young man and a valient soldier. He
    died a hero’s death as so many have for the love of ISRAEL. Our prayers are with ALL of you . May GOD bless you and your PRECIOUS

  14. We are so sorry to hear this sad news of Sondra’s family. Such a brave young man fighting a war not just for Israel but for the rest of the world.
    May his memory indeed be a blessing
    Deep Sympathy from Merthyr Tydfil South Wales U.K.

  15. For everyone of the brave sons and daughters of Jehovah who fall in the protection of His Land and His people, our hearts groan and cry and pray to our God – Dear God – have mercy on your people. They are your chosen people. They are your very special children, your firstborn. Dear God – comfort the families who lose their loved ones !
    Dear God, dear Jesus – come and protect your people ! We need your miracles to protect and bring Israel to victory until you return.

  16. Dear Sondra and the Oster Family,
    I’m so very sorry for your loss. You’re in my prayers. May his memory be a blessing.
    Susan Mello
    Belmont, New Hampshire

  17. Sondra, We are so sorry to hear of your nephews death but so proud of all those risking their lives for Israel. Our church and us as individuals have stood with Israel since the October tragedy began. We will continue to pray for your family and for Israel.

  18. It is with a heavy heart that I read of this young man’s passing and sacrifice for Israel. Bless his soul and memory oh Hashem.

  19. Shalom Sondra, Mary Lou and I send you our heart felt wishes to you and your family for the loss of Amichai . We have both been devastated by the war and follow the events on a daily basis. As a returned serviceman from the Vietnam war, I feel each loss very keenly and our prayers are with Israel on a daily basis. Harvey and Mary Lou, Lawnton Australia

  20. My heart felt such grief and sorrow as soon as I read of your loss. My prayers are continually for the people of Israel. This hits close to home. Sandra and all of CFOIC we love you and stand with you. HIS enemies will be scattered and the righteousness of the upright will deliver them.

  21. We are so sorry to hear about Amchai that we caught earlier on YouTube ILTV news. Please accept our condolences to all the family and friends. We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel. Am Israel Chai. Shalom.

  22. Our hearts break with yours at this devastating and tragic loss. May HaShem comfort you and may his memory be forever a blessing.

  23. So sorry to hear this. Prayers for healing and strength for his family and friends. We love you and pray Israel will do what is needed to defeat those who have no regard for the G-d of Israel or His chosen People.

  24. To Marcy and Howard Oster, Sara, Emunah, Tova, Yonatan, and all the Oster family,
    Amichai has given his life in defense of Israel and your People. His life was given in service, in devotion, in purpose and he will be of blessed memory.
    The video he was in is a beautiful testimony to him.
    My heart is touched by your pain and loss. You are in my prayers for comfort.

  25. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for your family’s commitment to Israel and her people. His sacrifice will not be forgotten

  26. Dear Sondra and your families.

    Please know how sorrowful we are for this tragedy and all our beautiful Israeli soldiers are in our hearts and prayers daily.

    So painful for everyone in Israel.

    With love and shalom from Kerry and friends in New Zealand.

  27. So sorry to learn of Amichai’s death. But he died a noble death, in defending his country and people. He will be thanked by many people and remembered by many people.

  28. Dear Sondra,

    May the LORD GOD of Israel give you and family strength and boldness.

    The death is not in vain, it is for the lands of the people of GOD, for their families, and for the future of Israel.

    May the Most High comfort and bless you all and keep you safe under HIS wings! In his place, may the LORD give you many sons.

    Peace to you!

  29. We are so sorry and heartbroken to hear about your nephew Sondra. We remember your kindness when we come and visit you. It was a delighfull time to have the tour around Karnei Shomron. When we read the news about the name of “Oster” a soldier who fall in Gaza, we was thinking that he may be a relative of you. Please relay our condolences to your cousin’s family. We continue to pray for your son who is enrolled in Gaza.

  30. So sorry to hear of Amichai falling in battle. Amichai is a hero for Israel. May his memory be an enduring blessing. It is a heartbreaking and devastating situation for Israel. Am Yisrael Chai. Praying for everyone to be unified and standing together as your G-d comes to protect and preserve you and your land. Condolences and sympathy from Don and Ceci in Tasmania Australia.

  31. I am so sorry for the passing of Amichai and send my sincere condolences to you and your entire family. I am praying for comfort and healing.

  32. I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for all the family of this brave young man who gave his all for the land of Israel.

  33. Oh so sorry to hear this sad news. Such a brave young man, who paid the ultimate sacrifice for his beloved Israel. Much love and prayers Sondra, for you and all the family.

  34. I cannot begin to comprehend how you come to terms with the loss of a child. The only consolation is that this brave young man died defending his and God’s land…. a greater sacrifice no one can give – his life for his country.

    I am praying for all of Israel and want to send my thoughts and prayers to Sondra and family as this come to terms with such sadness.

  35. Shalom Sondra- Cannot begin to imagine how you and your family must be feeling. Ray and I send our deepest sympathy for this young man’s loss in defending his, and ours, Holy land that is Israel. We love and support you .

  36. My sincere condolences to you Sandra and your family. May the Eternal One comfort you and strengthen you. Chibuk gadol.

  37. My dear Sondra I am so shocked and sadden to hear your news. My prayers and thoughts are for you and the whole family. Praying for a safe return for your sons and son-in-laws May God give you His divine peace with love

  38. Dear Sondra, Marcy, Dr. Howard Oster, Sara, Emunah, Tova, Yonatan and all the family, I am so sorry about what has happened to Amichai and the pain you are all going through and send my love and hugs and will keep remembering you all in prayer. That you would know Hashem’s comfort, love and strength now and in the time to come, We stand with you and so does Hashem for His own precious people.

  39. Dear Sondra and your extended family, I am greatly saddened to hear of Amichai‘s loss. He joins the ranks of too many honored fallen warriors. May the light of his soul shine brightly through this darkness and may his memory be for blessing.

  40. So saddened to hear of the loss of your beloved nephew Sondra. To lose his life at such a tender age,. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Shalom. May the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob comfort you at this time. We all love you and support you.

  41. May HaShem give you peace and comfort at this most difficult time. Our prayers are constantly given on behalf of all the brave and dedicated warriors who the scourge of Ameleck.

  42. Dear Sondra, words cannot comfort your hearts at this time. But the loving arms of God are around you, to comfort you and keep you under His feathers. Ps 91 my prayers are with you.

  43. Sondra, my love and prayers go out to you and the parents of Amichai. He was a wonderful and valiant young man who died too young. May you find comfort in the beautiful memories you have of sharing life with him.

  44. Dear Sondra

    I am really so sorry to hear this terrible news. Our children are our inheritance and so this pain must be dreadful to bear.

    Let us pray for our Messiah, when “ The Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel”. We believe that this time is fast approaching, May it indeed be so.

    May the God of the Abrahamic covenant, in whom all nations of the earth shall be blessed, instruct in all wisdom and bring you consolation at this time.

  45. Sondra:

    I am so incredibly sorry to learn of the death of your beloved nephew, Amichai HY”D. I have no more words left for all of the tragic losses we’ve suffered as a nation. But please know that you are in my heart and my tefilos at this time. Wishing you much strength.

    All the best,

  46. Our sincerest condolences to CFOIC especially to Sondra Baras. Pls extend my regards to her. She visited us here in the Phils before. God bless you all!

  47. Please convey to Sondra our deepest sympathies on the passing away of Sondra/s nephew. Words will not express our grief. May G-d be their comfort at this time.

  48. Dear Shmuel, Kim, Sandra, and all CFOIC friends,

    We are saddened to get this news. May God Bless and comfort Sandra and entire Oster family, his friends and loved ones.

    And may God bring Peace to Jerusalem and all Israel soon.


    Dan and Marita

  49. Please know that you are not alone during these challenging days. My heart breaks every time I read a report of another hero that is no longer with us. I’m so sorry that you have to experience this loss so very deeply. Words are never able to express what’s in the heart. I’m also very thankful that Amichai stood and fought for the nation and her people. It was not in vain.
    My condolences to his family and extended family and friends.

  50. How the mighty have fallen in the midst of the battle! We are distressed for you, our ‘brother’ Amichai.
    Our hearts are with you all, now and forever. May Hashem comfort and strengthen you, until the Redemption comes with our long-awaited Mashiach. Kol Berachot!

  51. Dear Sondra,
    sending my deepest sympathies to you and your family, so sorry for your loss. May God strengthen and comfort you.

  52. Sondra and family,
    Our sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of Amichai in the war for Israel. We continue to pray for and support you, the people of Israel, for those in Judea and Samaria, and those fighting for the Land.

    Paul & Donna

  53. Dear Sondra, it’s hard to know what to say at such a time as this. I pray HaShem may be with you and bestow His grace on you and the whole family. As He says in Isaiah chapter 40 “Comfort my people, says the Lord of Hosts”, I pray that much comfort may come to you through all those whose lives have been touched by you through your messages, as well as through your personal friends. Don’t forget: HaShem is Lord over all, and He will see to it that Israel will be victorious in the end, whatever may come until then. Even if very trying times may come in between.

  54. Dear Sondra, Marcy and Howard and family
    I am so saddened to hear about the loss of such a beautiful young man who loved his Community and Country so much.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all living in the Heartland of our beloved Israel.

  55. Shalom Aleikhem, Sondra and Family, Allyn & I grieve with you the loss of your precious nephew.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your relatives. We continue to watch and pray Psalm 122 daily. We are so sorry.

  56. May HaShem comfort you, the parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, uncles, aunts and all who are missing this brave beautiful young man. Your loss is very very big. Our prayers are for you all.

  57. Sondra,
    It is hard to know what to say during these difficult days. I pray that HaShem brings you and your family comfort during these days. May Amichai’s memory be a blessing to all that knew him.
    Just know all of your friends are praying for you and Israel.

  58. Dear Sondra,

    I’m so sad to hear about the loss of your nephew. May Hashem comfort the parents and siblings of Amichai, you and your family. May his memory a blessing to his family and all his friends.
    I pray for you and your family.

  59. Dear Sondra and family
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this sad time. Amichai sounded a very brave soldier.
    May the words of Psalm 34:18 comfort you all.
    ” The Lord is near the brokenhearted: He saves those crushed in spirit ”

    from Daphne & John in England

  60. Sondra and Family, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful and valiant, Amichai. You are all in my prayers, as is all of Israel, People and Land. May his death not be in vain and may Hamas be completely annihilated soon….forever!!!

  61. Dear Sondra & family
    Our deepest condolences for your families loss. Our hearts are broken. We offer up our prayers for comfort & healing through your grief.

  62. Dear Sondra & family
    Our deepest condolences for your families loss. Our hearts are broken. We offer up our prayers for comfort & healing through your grief.

  63. I am so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for the loss of such fine young men including Amichai. May his loss not be in vain.

  64. The words we speak or write may encourage you in support, but in those days where you are reading the condolences or nobody is around and you think on your nephew remember his departure wasn’t in vain.

    Also remember Hashem will comfort us in our time of sorrow.

    I pray you the whole house since he’ll be missed by many.

    My condolences. Shalom Shalom.

  65. To the family. May his bravery be forever remembered. Our hearts break with you guys praying that the LORD comforts you in this difficult time.

  66. Dear Sondra, I am so sorry to hear of the tragic death of your nephew. I can’t imagine the pain you are going through and I can only offer
    the condolences of someone who never knew Amichai but was deeply moved by his story. My thoughts are with you and all your family.

  67. Lieve Sondra. Wat een wereld waar jullie in terecht zijn gekomen, en nu ook nog verlies van een dierbare neef. Mijn oprechte deelneming met het verlies in de familie. Zoals jullie altijd zo mooi verwoorden dat zijn gedachtenis tot zegen zal zijn. Moeilijk begin van 2024 voor de familie, toch vooral Zijn zegen voor nu en de toekomst. Lieve groet, denk en bid voor je volk. Gerrie Westerhof

  68. I was so very sorry to read of the loss of your nephew, Sondra. My deepest condolences to all of your family. A deep tragedy but May you be comforted by the knowledge that he was a very brave and great warrior who loved G-d and Eretz Yisrael. Shalom and be assured of my continued prayers for you all. From Carolyn Lewis.


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