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Year: 2023

Bible Study via Zoom

Samuel: Anointing the Kings of Israel In the book of Judges, we followed close to 400 years of Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. There is no national government and the leaders are temporary and regional. The nation moves between times of trouble and times of quiet, between devotion to God and submission to … Read more

Vayechi (And He [Jacob] Lived) – Genesis 47:28 – 50:26

This week we read the final chapters of Genesis. Jacob is approaching the end of his life. We are told that he lived until the age of 147 and that he spent the last 17 years of his life in Egypt. Just before his death, he blesses his grandchildren, Ephraim and Menashe, and then blesses each of his sons.


                                                   Ein wunderbares Jahr voller neuer Dinge liegt vor uns! Liebe Freunde, Ein gutes neues Jahr! Es ist in der Tat ein neues Jahr und eines, das, Gott sei Dank, viele … Read more

The Rabbi who Taught Me about Redemption

I became a Zionist at the age of 13. My parents had always been Zionists in a typical American way. They loved Israel, went to every emergency meeting about Israel, and they gave generously to Israeli causes. Whatever they could do for Israel from the comfort of Cleveland, Ohio, they did.