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You can support the people settling Biblical Israel!
When you make a donation to CFOIC Heartland you are taking a stand for the right of the Jewish people to live on the land that God gave to them.
We have three types of projects, Children & Youth, Emergency & Security, and Community projects. We invite you to browse through the categories below and find the project or community that you want to connect with.

Thank you for blessing Israel!

Efrat Seniors

Families in Need

No child should ever go hungry Israel is a modern, developed country, with a successful economy and a high-tech industry that leads the world in innovation.  But as in so many countries, there are men

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Lev Benyamin activity

Disabled Children and Adults

The weakest members of society Imagine you are a young couple, expecting your first child.  From the moment you find out you are pregnant the excitement is huge and from day to day, month to

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Lev Benyamin activity

Community Development

Settling the Biblical Heartland of Israel God called out to Abraham with a command that changed the world and changed the reality of the Jewish people: “Go forth to the Land that I will show

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children in samaria

Children and Youth

Children and Youth Projects enable you to support the most precious resource in Judea and Samaria. The children and youth of Israel are the future of Israel. The needs are varied and include day care

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fire engine tu

Emergency and Security

Saving Lives Every Single Day For more than 50 years, the people of Judea and Samaria have suffered from terrorist attacks. Jews were murdered on the streets of Hebron as they returned from prayers at

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960x540 Har Gilo seniors

Community Projects

Community Projects enable donors worldwide to assist communities in Judea and Samaria. The communities in Judea and Samaria are the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. Those living in the Biblical Heartland have many different needs. These

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Efrat Seniors

Senior Citizens

Honoring the Pioneers of Israel Jewish children are taught from a young age to honor the elderly. “Stand up before the aged and glorify the elderly; you shall fear your God I am the Lord”

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Kim Sondra Shmuel