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The Brave Heroes of Rechalim

Rechalim head of security

During the past six months, ever since I started working at CFOIC Heartland, I have met extraordinary people and visited amazing communities. It has been a true pleasure and an eye- opening experience for me to play a part in the wonderful relationship that has been created between our Christian friends and the people of Judea and Samaria. As a resident of Samaria for the past four years, I feel blessed to be able to live my life, build a home and raise my children in this very special area of our beautiful country.

The Giving of Thanks

give thanks thanksgiving

Wow! I can’t believe we are already in the middle of November.  Where does the time go?  In America, November is a holiday month because of Thanksgiving — a national holiday that is dedicated to celebrating the blessings in our lives.  It is a day characterized by a large turkey dinner, too much food, family gatherings and football.

Voting For Israel and in Israel

As Republicans battle Democrats for control of the Legislative Branch, Israel is looking at these elections as well.  It is no secret that Trump has been unusually supportive of Israel in these past two years and that his natural tendency is pro-Israel.  Republican representatives and senators have also usually been pro-Israel although there have also been some outstanding pro-Israel Democratic legislators as well.  We cannot begin to comment nor understand the ins and outs of domestic issues in these American elections, but I can turn to you, our American friends, and ask that you consider Israel when casting your vote today.

Next Year in Jerusalem!

If you are one of those who have that desire to visit Israel, I encourage you to take a step of faith and follow that call.  You will never be the same!  Why or how I cannot explain, but I have witnessed it year after year.  You never read your Bible the same way again — something about seeing where your favorite Bible stories took place makes them come alive like never before.

Meet Tzur, Head of Shaarei Tikva’s security department

By: Tessy Agassi A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to join the head of security in Shaarei Tikva, on a tour of the community. It wasn’t my first visit there — I have had family members living there for many years.  But it was the first time I was exposed to the safety … Read more

Shaarei Tikva – Keeping Families Safe.

While the community continues to mourn the loss of their security chief and dear friend, they know that if he were still alive he would discourage them from letting one act of hatred stop them from following their God-given purpose. He would encourage them to build another house, hold their babies close, and tell their loved ones that they love them.

Yom Kippur

On Tuesday night and Wednesday, we will be observing Yom Kippur, otherwise known as the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of the year. It is a time when Jews all over the world spend the day in fasting and prayer.

Gitit – Indoor play area

With your help they can purchase toys and games and install a large indoor sand-box.  This space will be used every day! All of the babies and toddlers will be so excited to have a safe place to play as they are growing up in the heat of the Jordan Valley.  And their parents will enjoy the air-conditioned fellowship as they come together to watch their children.   Imagine the smiles of delight, and the squeals of joy as the children safely run and play

UNRWA – The Time has Come to Pull the Plug!

We were treated to wonderful news last week as US President Donald Trump declared that the US would no longer fund UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and criticized the agency for hindering rather than helping efforts to improve the lives of Palestinians.  UNRWA’s 2017 budget, according to the Washington Post, was $1.1 billion and the US provided more than 30% of that annual budget.

[:en]Letter From Sondra – Sep 2018[:de]Sondra – Sep 2018[:nl]Sondra – Sep 2018[:]

[:en]For years now, as I travel and speak to Christian audiences all over the world, I encounter Christians who are excited about Judea and Samaria.  Their eyes light up when I talk about modern-day Hebron and being able to visit the actual Herodian structure built over the tombs of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, and Jacob and Leah.  They are amazed that there are current excavations going on in Biblical Shiloh where they can visit the site of the Tabernacle and learn more about the Biblical history of this special place.[:de]Dieser Sommer entlang unserer Grenze zum Gazastreifen war ein Wahnsinn. Jeden Tag haben arabische Terroristen, einschließlich Kinder und Teenager, Branddrachen und -ballone über den Zaun in die Felder, Wälder und Ortschaften im westlichen Negev geschickt. Die entstandenen Feuer haben Felder kurz vor der Ernte vernichtet und einen Schaden in Höhe von vielen Millionen Dollar verursacht. Es ist ein Wunder, dass niemand durch diese vielen Feuer getötet wurde. Wahrlich, Gott behütet uns. Von Zeit zu Zeit verstärkt die Hamas diese Angriffe mit Mörsergranaten und Raketen. Allein in zwei Tagen im August wurden 180 Raketen auf Israel abgeschossen.[:nl]Deze zomer was krankzinnig aan onze zuidelijke grens met Gaza. Elke dag, zonden Arabische terroristen, ook kinderen en tieners, brandende vliegers en ballonnen met explosieven over het hek maar onze akkers, bossen en dorpen in de westelijke Negev. Miljoenen dollars aan schade was er door branden die onze velden vernietigden die klaar stonden om geoogst te worden. Het was een wonder dat niemand gedood werd door deze branden.G-d waakt werkelijk over ons.[:]