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Shoftim (Judges) Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9

Torah (1)

Shmuel has returned home to Israel after his long summer travels and has a teaching to share for this week’s portion, Shoftim. This week’s portion is a serious one that is full of relevant commands, namely: the rules of war. Men who have recently planted vineyard, built a house or become engaged are to be released from military service. Why are these three events so crucial? It’s because these elements can be found in the story of Creation. Join Shmuel for a teaching on love, creation, and the original rules of military engagement. Shabbat Shalom!

3 thoughts on “Shoftim (Judges) Deuteronomy 16:18 – 21:9”

  1. Thank you for the clarity of this portion! May you hear good news that this conflict from the south and the north has been resolved soon!

    We are so sorry for all that has happened to Israel and have been praying for you all!

    One day all the nations will say, “Vive la Israel” and Israel will answer back from Zion, “Am Israel Chai” !

  2. Thank you Shmuel,
    That was brilliant.
    We’re standing, praying, giving as we’re able, to you Israel.
    It is in truth a war against evil.
    Many don’t understand that there is every possibility for the Arabs to live in peace and prosper in Israel. But instead Hamas has turned it into a war to the death.
    Shabbat Shalom my friend


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