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Nahala (Inheritance) – Winter 2025


The pioneers in the Jordan Valley have suffered terribly from a significant spike in terror attacks. Terrorists hiding in wait have shot at and killed civilians driving on the main highway and on other roads in the Jordan Valley. Rocks, stones and Molotov cocktails have been thrown in the direction of children riding on school buses. Sadly, because of this most troubling trend, residents of all ages are experiencing anxiety attacks and emotional trauma. The Jordan Valley Regional Council is fully committed to providing these victims with critical psychological support. But they need your help to acquire the resources necessary to adequately deal with the increasing demand. You gift will strengthen and uplift the pioneering families of the Jordan Valley!


Dear Friends,

This past Hanukkah, a team of archaeologists from the University of Haifa made an amazing discovery that shed new light on our ancient heritage. During an excavation in the Jordan Valley, the archaeologists unearthed a cache of over 160 coins, all bearing the image of the Hasmonean King Alexander Jannaeus, who, following the Maccabean Revolt, had ruled in Judea from 104-76 BCE. The archaeological find undoubtedly serves as a tangible demonstration of the People of Israel’s deep roots and ancient presence in the Land of Israel.

Having just entered the year 2025, while still filled with uncertainty, this discovery offers us a timely beacon of hope and a reaffirmation of our identity. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of the Jewish people who have faced countless trials and tribulations throughout history but have nevertheless persevered. We are also reminded of our long, storied past and are motivated to continue building our future in our national homeland.

In this edition of Nahala, we have the pleasure of being introduced to Delly Hezel and Achiya Hareef, two distinguished individuals who respectively, decided to take a significant role in the journey of our people. May we all be inspired by their example.

Shalom from Samaria,

Shmuel Junger

CFOIC Heartland Project Update

Every month we send you information about our most pressing needs. And every month you answer the call! Over the last several months asthe People of Israel continued focusing on reining in security threats, we reached out for your help to also provide for a variety of other essentials, and you responded generously! Thanks to your support, we have provided:

  • Firefighting equipment in Bet Yatir
  •  Defibrillators in Zufim
  • Hot lunches for schoolgirls in Kochav Yaakov
  •  Resources to renovate the youth center in Gitit
  •  Continued support for the art center in Tekoa
  •  Computers for an all-girls school in Kedumim
  •  Resources to renovate dormitories of a Biblical Academy in Bat Ayin
  • Winter clothing for boys in the youth village at Bet Hagai
  •  Food vouchers for needy families in Samaria


In this time of need for the People of Israel, we could not have provided any of this without you! May God bless you richly for all you have given! 

Delly Hezel: Bound to Israel from Afar

Achiya Hareef: Pioneering Around the Clock

On the northern edges of the Black Forest in Germany, Delly Hezel and her friends open their doors and hearts to Israeli victims of terror: “Here in Altensteig, this is our way of taking a stand for Israel and the Jewish People.”

Delly, a geriatric nurse, dubbed their initiative, “To Host a Terror Victim.” For over a decade, Delly has invited Israeli guests to stay in her home, to rest and enjoy the beauty of the Black Forest. Among her recent guests was Nuriel Arazi, bereaved brother of Ofek Arazi who was murdered on October 7th, 2023.

Sitting at his office desk in Revava, a lovely community of 500 families situated amidst the elevated rocky landscape of Samaria, Achiya Hareef finds himself a ta loss for words in describing how he has accomplished a seemingly impossible mission.

“There is no simple answer except to say that ultimately, all the work I do, in thecivilian and military realms alike, comes from the soul,” Achiya reflected.

Thank YOU!!

We have received this thank you letter from Kedem Arava for your contribution to purchase a bomb shelter. You, our donors and supporters, are the ones who really make it all happen. The thanks belong to you!

Dear friends at CFOIC Heartland,

We, the residents of Kedem Arava, wish to express our deepest gratitude to our dear friends at CFOIC Heartland for providing us with the resources to construct a fortified shelter. With your most generous contribution, our community will have an essential, secure location that will physically protect us and guarantee the safety of our families and children in the event of a major attack on Kedem Arava.

As we celebrate the holiday of Hanukkah, a time which symbolizes both light and the resilience of our people, we are especially reminded of the importance of fighting for the freedom and security of our people in the Land of Israel. Your partnership with us has strengthened our ability to continue in this mission at such a momentous but challenging time in history.

We deeply appreciate your dedication and solidarity, which has helped give us the fortitude to persevere in our mutual mission to settle the Land of Israel and to create a brighter, safer future for the People of Israel!

With heartfelt appreciation and warm regards,

The community of Kedem Arava


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