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Winter 2016

Help Create An Educational Hub in the Desert!

Young boy inspecting a model houseSince the regional library is a half hour drive from Hemdat, the local library in that community has become a fixture in the Jordan Valley, not only serving Hemdat residents, but residents from neighboring Maskiot, Roi, Bekaot, and Hamra. It has become a center for children’s activities, musical performances, guest lectures, and symposiums. The library has happily outgrown its small space, and is now in the beginning stages of renovation and expansion.

Hemdat is asking for our help in purchasing library equipment and furnishings. The community needs a library computer system, children’s center equipment including a puppet theater, more shelving, and of course, books! Let’s give this gift to the hardworking pioneers of the Jordan Valley, people who have done so much for Israel, let’s give them what they need to enjoy the library for years to come!

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Stand Up For Israel

Victoria Hearst: A Publishing Heiress with a Heart for the Heartland      

Victoria Hearst and Heart of Benjamin ChildOne of Victoria’s fondest memories of Israel is her February 2011 visit. Sondra took Victoria to visit communities all over Judea and Samaria. She had been to Ariel before, but had never really spent time in the smaller communities of Judea and Samaria. During that trip she visited the communities of Karnei Shomron, Itamar, Ofra, Efrat, Kfar Etzion, Nokdim, and Tekoa.

Victoria visited the Heart of Benjamin after-school program for special-needs children in Ofra, which at the time was functioning out of temporary caravans. She was warmly welcomed by Heart of Benjamin leaders, Mali and Yaakov Striegler who hosted Victoria and Sondra in their home for a barbeque dinner. In Tekoa they had dinner with Seth and Sherrie Mandel whose son Koby was murdered by terrorists at the height of the second Intifada.

These experiences over the years have given Victoria a keen sense of what Judea and Samaria is all about. She has connected with the people of the Biblical heartland and understands the pressing need for assistance. “I’d have to say that the projects closest to my heart are Gush Katif refugee needs, and special needs children’s projects. But that’s not to say that playgrounds and day care centers aren’t also important.”

“I’d tell the person trying to get involved to visit, come see it for yourself. And if you can’t visit, give to CFOIC Heartland. Even if you can only give $20, that money is making a difference!”

Pioneers in Our Day

Yisrael Medad: His Right Word

Political advisor, spokesperson, activist, author, journalist and blogger are just a few of the many hats Yisrael Medad has worn during his impressive forty-five year career working for the people of Israel in the Land of Israel. Visiting his blog called “My Right Word”, you get a good sense of the kind of guy he is and the matters closest to his heart. He describes his blog by defining himself: “My thoughts, assertions and observations on issues important to me as a Jew, a Zionist, a Revenant in Yesha (Hebrew acronym for Judea and Samaria) and as an inquisitive human being.” As it were, he is as interesting as he is inquisitive.

Over the years and thanks in part to CFOIC Heartland, Medad has met with Christian Zionists from all walks of life. “I feel very comfortable talking to Christians,” Yisrael affirms. He has been featured on the “Prophecy Today” program, and most recently had the opportunity to guide Father Gabriel Naddaf at ancient Shiloh. Father Naddaf and Medad clicked instantly and at the conclusion of the tour, he told Medad: “Continue to dig for artifacts. Continue to discover history. You can’t imagine how moved I am today by what I see here. Everyone should come here and see these things for himself and be blessed by it forever. Be strong, and may God bless you.” May God continue to give Yisrael Medad the strength and passion to write, speak and advocate for Israel!

Give Thanks!

We don’t know how to thank you, Sondra, and your incredible community of friends at CFOIC for your generosity and, equally as important, your ongoing support of our efforts here at JobKatif.

Over the years, you have been staunch supporters of our work with Gush Katif evacuees — be it helping them find stable employment, launching new businesses, subsidizing scholarships for second generation students or professional retraining courses for the parents. Together, we have helped to reintegrate into the work force more than 2,600 people.

While most of our work with the Gush Katif families is coming to a conclusion — from an 85% unemployment rate to an 85% employment rate — there is still much to do. JobKatif is committed to helping the remaining individuals who, after ten years are still not able to support their families. Our work with them will continue, but we will also be reaching out to other population sectors, where we believe we can make a major contribution and help them turn around their employment prospects and future…

Warmest Wishes,

Yosef Zvi Rimon
Chairman and Founder Executive Director

Judy Lowy