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A Visit With Shmuel: Bat Ayin

I traveled to the beautiful Judean Hills to visit Bat Ayin, a small, very spiritual community located among the rugged hills just outside Gush Etzion. This community was established with one goal in mind: to create a purely God-centered life in a natural environment, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Residents, united in their devotion to strengthen their connection with God, devote each day to purity through prayer, meditation and Bible studies, as a means to spiritual growth.

With God’s help, one day soon, I will be able to take you to Bat Ayin in person.  But until then, join me on this virtual tour of the deeply spiritual community of Bat Ayin.

As I mentioned in my vlog, knowing God, and living according to His ways requires deep knowledge of the Bible and an educational system that supports it. The Bat Ayin Yeshiva Bible Academy is a spiritual center that welcomes Jews from all walks of life, offering a wide range of classes from textual to philosophical discussions, and training rabbis and leaders to spread God’s word to Jews all over the world.  They are building a new study hall, the center of Biblical and spiritual growth at the Yeshiva, but they need funding for furnishings and bookshelves.  With your help, this incredible center will continue to enable young Jews to reconnect with their faith, in the heart of Biblical Judea.

Click here to partner with the Bat Ayin yeshiva and help them complete furnishing the new study hall.

God Bless,


Shmuel Junger
Development Director
CFOIC Heartland