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Bamidbar (In The Desert) – Numbers 1:1 – 4:20

Torah (1)

Shabbat Shalom! This week we begin the portion and book of Bamidbar (“In the desert”, also known as the book of Numbers).

Why did the children of Israel receive the Torah in the desert of all places? The desert is often a lawless place, a wild west with untamed residents. The Torah provides stability and order and reminds one that obedience matters, even in the desert.

4 thoughts on “Bamidbar (In The Desert) – Numbers 1:1 – 4:20”

  1. Wonderful explained thank you so much
    Shabbat Shalom
    As greetings in Israels desert now i found Jesaja 43 1- 4 or more

  2. This is a very interesting ‘take’ on receiving the Tora in the desert. The issues of ‘poverty’ , riches’ and ‘desires’ are highly relevant but competitive forces within the Israelites, and in ourselves over prioritising Scripture, over the human 5 senses. This is one that is ultimately decided by ‘desire’. Most of us would want riches, or, al least, ‘adequacy in our day to day provisions. Yet ‘fasting’ is recommended as a spiritual exercise that might reduce such a desire more than somewhat!
    I think this comes from a deeper spiritual sense from within each of ourselves. As a Christian, I believe in the ‘revelation’ of the Spirit of G-d, as this sharpens up the desire competitiveness between the fleshly nature and the Spirit of G-d.

  3. I had never heard how precious is the time we give “in the desert”. Thank you Shmuel. We can all give time to “be in the desert” separated from our busy lives in the world, to receive revelation from God. Which is in our hands, the Torah. The Bible.
    Jesus actually started his ministry “in the desert”. 40 days.


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