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Next Year in Jerusalem!

What draws me back to visit the Land of Israel year after year?  The sights, sounds, and smells are imprinted on my soul.  The land calls to me.  Why?  I have no physical explanation. I know not everyone has a desire to visit Israel, but for those of us who have a desire to visit the Land, I can only say that I believe that desire is placed there by God.   In the natural, there is nothing that would call us to this tiny stretch of earth.  And yet, there is something very special about this place.  There is a reason that it is called the Holy Land.

Panorama of Jerusalem – March 2018

If you are one of those who have that desire to visit Israel, I encourage you to take a step of faith and follow that call.  You will never be the same!  Why or how I cannot explain, but I have witnessed it year after year.  You never read your Bible the same way again — something about seeing where your favorite Bible stories took place makes them come alive like never before.

Baptism in the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized – March 2018

Taking people for their first visit to the Holy Land brings me great joy.  Seeing their looks of amazement and expressions of wonder as they experience Israel for the first time is like watching a child opening a package at Christmas.  It is so much fun to experience Israel with them.  And for those who have been to Israel before but have never been to Judea and Samaria – they are amazed, each time, at the richness of what they missed on their first trip.  How could we have thought we touched the heart of Israel when we never visited Shiloh or Hebron, they tell me time and time again!

The beautiful wading pond at Tel Dan – March 2018

I will be taking a group to Israel March 22-30, 2018 and I have room for a few more to join us.  If you want to join me, don’t delay!  The price increases by $200 for registrations received after November 1, 2018.   The cost is $2,195 per person in a double room.  Price includes breakfast and dinner daily, all hotels, busses, touring, and tips for guide and driver.   It does not include lunch every day, or roundtrip airfare to Tel Aviv. But just give me a call – I’d be happy to help you make the flight arrangements.


Danny Ehrlich in the streets of Jerusalem – March 2018

My personal and trusted tour guide is Danny Ehrlich — one of the best guides in Israel!  He knows the Bible and loves it dearly and it shows – at every site we visit. Danny is an Orthodox Jew with great respect for our Christian faith and he loves helping Christians understand the Hebrew roots of our faith.  Once you meet Danny, I think you’ll agree that he is amazing.

CFOIC Heartland travelers to the Holy Land – March 2018

While I have favorite places to visit that I go back to again and again, because they never get old, I also try to throw in something new on every trip. This year we will be visiting the ancient city of Tzfat in the Galilee.  I’ve heard the shopping there is amazing, as it is a center for artists and crafts people and you can meet them as you examine their gorgeous art and jewelry.  And I know that they make beautiful candles in Tzfat.  For centuries, it has been a city of mystics, a place where people come to seek God, seeping themselves in the spirituality that seems to echo off the mountains.  I am looking forward to exploring the city and seeing a new part of Israel that I have never seen before.  And as always, we will be visiting the ancient city of Hebron where Abraham purchased the Cave of Machpelah to bury Sarah, and Shiloh, where the Tabernacle stood for 369 years.

Fulfilling Prophecy – planting trees in Samaria – March 2018

In addition, and perhaps most importantly, we will be meeting the people of Israel who are fulfilling the ancient prophecies – those wonderful men and women who are making the mountains bloom, rebuilding the ancient cities, and filling the streets with children. As you meet them and hear their stories you’ll be encouraged in your own faith, and you’ll have a greater understanding of the challenges they face on a daily basis. There is so much to see – I can promise you that your 7 days in Israel will be filled to the brim and overflowing.  On the 8th day, we will rest and experience a true Shabbat in Israel.

Trying on emergency equipment in Karnei Shomron – March 2018

I’m so looking forward to this trip, and I do hope you’ll join me.  Listen to your heart – if the call is there to visit Israel then follow that call!   I look forward to meeting you NEXT YEAR IN JERUSALEM!


Kimberly Troup
Director, US Office
CFOIC Heartland


P.S. You can find more information or request a tour brochure by going to www.cfoic.com/israel-tour

Visiting Special Needs Children in Benjamin – March 2017
Visiting Youth Center in Karnei Shomron – March 2018
Praying at the Western Wall – March 2018