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Help Ukrainian Refugees in Samaria

 A family arrived directly from Ukraine to Revava, and were welcomed in their new home by Revava residents, in the neighborhood established by CFOIC Heartland, supported totally by our Christian friends in the US and Holland. 

Revava residents pulled their new neighbors into a circle and started dancing, singing songs of praise to G-d for this momentous occasion.

Today we are witness to the incredible return of Jews from all over the world to the Land of Israel, and especially from war-torn Ukraine. Ukrainian Jews arrive with nothing, and they need help with everything. The process of absorption is a challenging one indeed. Donate today to help new immigrants from Ukraine as they settle in the new immigrant neighborhood recently established by CFOIC Heartland in Revava, Samaria. Help them settle in the Biblical Heartland.

As the situation in Ukraine deteriorates from day to day, we all feel compelled to help.  Many of those fleeing the war zone are Jews who are eligible to make Aliyah.  And we all know that there is no greater blessing for these Jews than to come home to Israel, their God-given land.

The people of Judea and Samaria are reaching out to the Ukrainian Jews and inviting them to join their communities.  During the last two years, the community of Revava has absorbed new immigrants from France and you have supported them.  Revava is now inviting Ukrainian Jews to join them as well.  But these refugees have left their homes in Ukraine with literally nothing but the clothes on their backs and a few items in a hand bag.  They are starting from scratch.  The Government of Israel is providing for many of their needs, but there is so much need.  They will need basic items to set up house. They will need clothing.  They will need food, Hebrew lessons, employment assistance and so much more.

You can donate today and help the Ukrainian Jews who are settling in Samaria.  You can support the people who have undergone such terrible tragedy to rebuild their lives in the land of their forefathers.  Help the Ukrainian Jews come home!

Your gift will help new immigrants in communities throughout Judea and Samaria!