Pam Culpitt: Sounding the Shofar in a time of need
People often wait years to discover their ultimate purpose in life. So it was for Pam Culpitt of Brisbane, Australia. Pam was not raised with any awareness of the God of Israel; however her eyes were always open to absorb the truth whenever it presented itself.
As an adult, Pam met several devout Christians who introduced her to the God of the Bible. Deeply inspired, Pam embraced God and was suddenly eager to read the Bible. One day, while studying Leviticus, she discovered the fundamental importance of the Land of Israel.
“I realized that serving God was much more than simply getting as many people as possible around the world to give their share of tithes,” she explained. “it also necessarily required standing with the Land and People of Israel.”
Pam visited the Land of Israel for the first time in 2016, an experience she described as “majestic”. “When I was at the Western Wall, I just felt the Divine Presence of God,” reflected Pam. “And I felt the same glory at the site of the ancient Tabernacle in Shiloh.” Returning to Australia, Pam resolved to stay connected with Israel, visiting again in 2018.
Recognizing her devotion to Israel, Pam’s friend, Joy Heylen, who was stepping down as CFOIC Heartland’s volunteer representative in Australia, offered Pam the opportunity to succeed her. “I felt that God was leading me to take on a new initiative, but I still had not yet grasped my future role,” Pam said.
Before assuming her position in October 2023, Pam traveled to Israel to become more acquainted with CFOIC Heartland. Pam described “having great joy” as she witnessed the pioneers of the Biblical Heartland observe the Feast of Tabernacles and weekly Sabbaths.
“It was as if the Biblical narrative of the Land and People of Israel was playing out right in front of me,” Pam said excitedly. “And I recognized the privilege I was given to be a part of such a narrative of truth.”

“The Lord brought me to the Land of Israel for three months, just before I started representing CFOIC Heartland in Australia, so I could bear witness to the truth of the Biblical Heartland and its people in Israel’s time of absolute need.”
Immediately upon her return to Australia, Pam contacted pastors all over the Australia to spread the word. Pam wanted to make sure that pastors not only heard her testimony but also that of an actual pioneer living in the Biblical Heartland. She invited as many churches as she could to hear and meet with CFOIC Heartland’s Executive Director, Shmuel Junger on his recent tour of Australia in February.
Pam now feels that she is symbolically sounding the “shofar to help pastors understand our irrefutable connection to the Biblical Heartland as part of our living Christian faith.” She is urging pastors to distance themselves entirely from the anti-Semitic false doctrine of Replacement Theology.
In just a few months, Pam has made inroads with countless pastors and churches. Still, she recognizes that the war for truth has not yet been won and that there is no more pressing time than now for professing Christians to choose to be on the side of truth.
“The Lord is now drawing His people to Him and is separating out the ones who are His,” Pam said. “Some will have hearts of stone, but through the leading of the Lord, I will continue to speak with leaders and believers and reveal to them the scriptures that will hopefully challenge their current biblical worldview.”