Copy of 960x540 Shmuel Vlog (27)

A Visit With Shmuel: A Purim Celebration

We celebrated Purim last week and I filmed this on that day, in my own community of Zufim, enabling you to share my wonderful holiday with me. If you could not celebrate Purim in a Jewish community, then this is certainly the next best thing. Please join me as we celebrate Purim in Zufim.

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Copy of 960x540 Shmuel Vlog (10)

A Visit With Shmuel: A Terror Update from Judea & Samaria

Usually, we post a video about life in a particular community in Judea and Samaria, but we cannot do so this time. Unfortunately, over the last couple of months, our lives have been in danger on a consistent basis as we have sustained countless terror attacks all over the Biblical Heartland.

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Adora & Telem Spring

A Visit With Shmuel: Adora and Telem

In this week’s video, I introduce you to Telem and Adora, two small but resilient communities located directly northwest of the ancient Biblical city of Hebron. The 1,000 brave pioneers of Telem and Adora live courageously amidst a sea of hundreds of thousands of hostile Arabs.

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Copy of 960x540 Shmuel Vlog (2)

A Visit With Shmuel: Avigayil

Located in a predominantly barren region in the Hebron Hills, Avigayil is surrounded on all sides by hostile Arab villages, including the large city of Yatta. The community was established in 2001, during the height of the Second Intifada, by a small group of incredibly courageous pioneers committed to defending their Biblical inheritance.

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